Friday, November 12, 2010

It's been awhile!

I never have any time to blog..if I have any time for the world wide web at all it's a few minutes to check my email, facebook and that's it! I don't think anyone really reads my blog anyway so I don't feel too bad, lol.

I am glad to say things have gotten somewhat better with my 8 yr old, Olivia. I still get pretty angry with her but now it's for different reasons. She is SO hormonal and bitchy am I, though, so that's a great We clash pretty bad. My son and I have done a total 180 though! He comes over and stays weekends now and has stopped with the spoiled brat stuff, finally! I love that he "seems" to have changed and Violet just loves him so much, you can see it on her face when he comes around. He's a great big brother.

Since my Mom passed on Aug. 1st 2010, my life seems to be a constant blur day to day. I make sure to clean my kitchen at least every other day. Keep the house picked up, etc. I have a constant huge pile of clean clothes downstairs in the other family room. Hey, don't judge me! At least they're clean!! LOL! I cook alot more since we live in a town with only one semi-fast food place that's crazy expensive. No kidding, their burgers are good, but for $6!? Better have some 14k gold lettuce for that price! I just miss her so much. There have been many of those cry so hard I can't breathe moments and the moments one has where you think, "Oh, I can't wait to call Mom and tell her!" Then I remember, oh wait, I can't. :/

Violet figured out how to crawl up the stairs last week. She is getting her two top eye teeth in now, I can see the white just waiting to pop through! I so wish she would sleep through the night, in her OWN bed so Chris and I could sleep next to eachother again. He has to work though so until she sleeps through the night that's out. I'm tired of not having any friends in 'real life'. The ones I consider real friends are too busy with their lives and I understand that. I am a hermit and never want to go anywhere unless I have to either so I suppose I can't really bitch too much, haha. My problem is depression and chronic pain with my makes it harder coupled with procrastination and fatigue from an 11 mo. old!

Well, I have to cut this short..teething baby, annoying mouthy 8 yr old, you know. I hate blogging when i'm grumpy and can't think or concentrate!

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